The BarnManager Q&A With: Caroline McLeese, rider and assistant trainer at Double H Farm

The BarnManager Q&A With:

Caroline McLeese, rider and assistant trainer at Double H Farm, located in Ridgefield, CT and Wellington, FL

What are three things that are always in your ring bag?

Caroline: An assortment of spurs, a towel, and mints.

What is the most helpful habit that you practice at the barn?

Caroline: I like to do a lap around the barn at the end of the day once everyone leaves just to be sure the horses are settled in, all the small details are taken care of, and everything is ready for the following day. 

How do you foster a great team environment in your business?

Caroline: At Double H, everyone – grooms, managers, and myself – takes a team approach to caring for the horses. Even though my main role is to help ride and train, I still help clean stalls, turn out, and take horses to the ring for other riders. I really enjoy helping in the barn whenever I have time, and I find it helps me form better relationships with the horses and my coworkers.

What’s your best tip or hack for grooming and horse care? Where did you learn it?

Caroline: My favorite hack for clipping is to wash the horse’s legs thoroughly and then clip them while they are still wet. The clipper blades don’t heat up this way and it keeps the horses much more comfortable! This is especially helpful for horses that move around while you’re trying to clip their legs. I learned this trick from Margo Thomas, Laura Kraut’s groom.

What is your favorite equestrian competition and why?

Caroline: Spruce Meadows! It’s an incredible venue and truly amazing to watch such a high concentration of five-star horses and riders for weeks at a time. I’ve missed going the past few years, and I’m really looking forward to returning next summer.

If you were a horse, what would you be and why?

Caroline: I think I would be a 1.45m speed horse who is quiet when not showing. I really like to go fast but it’s not something most people would guess about me!

Photo by Four Oaks Creative

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BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

Make the Most of Your Pumpkins – Seasonal Sustainability Tips

Make the Most of Your Pumpkins – Seasonal Sustainability Tips

Written by BarnManager partner Green Is the New Blue

Pumpkins are a fall favorite, appearing on the porches of homes across the country from the start of fall to Thanksgiving. In addition to their decorative purpose, pumpkins are a healthy ingredient in many recipes and make a great snack for a variety of animals.

Unfortunately, there’s a dark side to the Halloween craze. An estimated 1.3 billion pounds of pumpkin are discarded into U.S. landfills each year, accounting for 65% of pumpkins produced. Decomposing waste trapped in landfills produces methane gas, contributing to climate change.

Thankfully there are many other ways to make the most of your pumpkins or sustainably dispose of them.

‘Tis the Season for Pumpkin Spice

With Thanksgiving coming up, there are so many amazing recipes for you to make the most of your Halloween pumpkins. Besides the stalk, almost every part of the pumpkin is edible, and they are a great source of vitamins, containing little fat or calories. Bake the seeds or skin for a crunchy snack, boil and strain the guts for a soup broth, or use the flesh to create a puree for pies, lattes, or ice cream.

A Tasty Treat for Our Furry Friends

Did you know that orange pumpkins, including the seeds, are also safe for horses to eat? If you plan to feed it raw, make sure to cut it into small pieces to avoid choking. It is recommended to feed no more than one cup per day. Even better, there are plenty of recipes to bake your own dog and horse treats. Jar your treats and store them for a tasty pumpkin treat any time throughout the year.

Pumpkin spice may or may not be your favorite seasonal treat, but it sure is appreciated by farm animals and wildlife. If you have pumpkins you don’t want to cook, reach out to a local animal sanctuary to see if they are interested in donations. Pumpkin is an enticing snack for pigs, goats, sheep, and many species of birds like chicken and ducks. As always, do not feed farm animals without permission from the owner for the animal’s health and safety.

Compost Your Pumpkin

The next best option is to compost your pumpkin. Make sure to remove the seeds, or your compost pile may become a pumpkin patch next season. Whole pumpkins can take a long time to compost, so break it into a few pieces before tossing it in.

The Last Resort – Disposal

If you cannot do any of the above, or simply do not have time, we understand you need a simple way to dispose of your pumpkin. Please do not dispose of your pumpkin in a landfill. Instead, dispose of a pumpkin in the same manner that yard debris is dealt with in your municipality. For more information about how to dispose of yard debris, contact your local Department of Public Works.


Green Is the New Blue would like to wish everyone a wonderful season heading into Thanksgiving. We are so thankful for all who follow us and help us strive for a Sustainable Sport.


Have questions about utilizing BarnManager or want to give it a try for yourself? Request a live demo here!

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

Five Tips To Combat Horse Show Nerves

Five Tips To Combat Horse Show Nerves

Horse show nerves can be one of the biggest challenges to cope with while competing.  Even some of the most well-known and successful riders admit they get nervous before big events.  While nerves can actually help some people perform at their best, they can have a negative effect on others.  Here are some tips to help you combat those anxious feelings.

1. Visualize

Think about what a good performance would feel like.  If you are jumping, for example, start by learning your course, then visualize yourself successfully completing it. Imagine riding the track from the moment you enter the ring all the way to the last fence. If your horse drifts to the right or has a tough lead change, visualize where you see the problem arising and how you will fix it. Think about small details like where you want to make your turn to a diagonal fence or how you may need to ride forward in the first line. Going over your ride step by step several times in your head will help you feel much more familiar with the course when you step into the ring.

2. Focus on Factors You Can Control

Horse showing involves dealing with many factors that you cannot control. Worrying about the weather or if a loud noise might spook your horse are not productive thoughts. Stressing about factors beyond your control will not make them less likely to happen. If you cannot get these thoughts out of your head, come up with a plan or ideas of what to do if these situations do occur instead of just dwelling on them. For example, if you think that your horse may spook at a person on the far end of the ring, plan to be aware of that and ready to focus their attention back to you.

Calm your nerves by focusing on the things you do have control over. Take time to make sure both you and your horse are ready for the ring and look and feel your best. Little things like getting a good night’s sleep, eating a healthy breakfast, checking all your tack, and packing your ring bag ahead of time can all help you feel more at ease. Additionally, try to get to the show early enough to learn your course, watch if possible, and make a plan with your trainer so that you feel more confident.

3. Remember To Breathe

Once you have gone over your course and are confident in your plan, take time to unwind. Think about your breathing and keeping your body calm. Remembering to breathe, especially while on course, will help your body and mind stay relaxed. When your body stays relaxed, your horse will not pick up on any tension from you. At the in-gate, take a couple of deep breaths to calm yourself down before you step into the ring. Also, pick places around the course where you will remind yourself to take a moment to regroup and breathe.

4. Discuss Your Nerves

Nervousness is not something you should hide. Talking through your worries and nerves with your friends, a trainer, or a psychologist can help lessen your stress. Try to pinpoint the one feeling, situation, or fear that is making you nervous so that you can then address it. Also, it is important to let your trainer know you are struggling with anxious feelings so they are aware and can better help you at the ring. By opening up about your worries, you may also learn more about how other people cope with their nerves going into the show ring.

5. Give Yourself a Break

Being nervous before a competition is completely normal and part of the horse show experience for many people. Try not to beat yourself up for getting nervous before competing. Accept your worries instead of overthinking them and letting your stress get the best of you. Focus on ways to manage your nervous feelings so you can enjoy your horse show experience instead of only worrying about it.

Have questions about utilizing BarnManager or want to give it a try for yourself? Request a live demo here!

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

The BarnManager Q&A With: Molly Allen, assistant trainer for Rachel Kennedy at ESP Farm

The BarnManager Q&A With:

Molly Allen, assistant trainer for Rachel Kennedy at ESP Farm, located in Brookeville, MD

What are three things that are always in your ring bag?

Molly: I always carry boot polish, an extra pair of gloves, and the good luck charms that were braided into Celtic Fire’s mane on the day we were 10th in the 2021 USHJA National Hunter Derby at the Winter Equestrian Festival.

What is the most helpful habit that you practice at the barn?

Molly: Consistency! Whether young and green or already seasoned, I find that all horses thrive in a training routine that is consistent, but not stale or repetitive, in order to reach their full potential. Horses, like human athletes, need routines that are appropriate for their current level, and the consistency to help them reach the goals we set for them. And patience, lots of patience!

How do you foster a great team environment in your business?

Molly: At ESP Farm, we always aim to create a positive environment for our team. I try to have an upbeat attitude and lead by example. I prioritize objectives, delegate tasks, and have an organized schedule each day. I find that this helps most days run smoothly and with low stress.

What is your favorite equestrian competition and why?

Molly: My all-time, no-questions-asked, favorite show experience was the GCT in Chantilly, France. At the time I was grooming for Legacy Stables, and 2021 Olympic Gold Medalist Ben Maher was our rider. It was an unbelievable experience; from the horse show facility, to the history of the town, everything was amazing.

What is your best tip or hack for grooming or horse care? And where did you learn it?

Molly: Here’s a tip you can use in that panic-stricken moment when you discover that your horse has a fat leg. To decide what to do if you’re in a situation where you can’t reach your vet, check the leg for scrapes and knicks. If the leg is free of abrasions, then it’s probably best to apply poultice to the area underneath a standing wrap. If you see that there is an abrasion that may have caused the swelling, then you can go ahead and sweat the leg with Furazone underneath cotton or plastic wrap and a standing wrap. My mom taught me that tip!

If you were a horse, what would you be and why?

Molly: A 2’6” low adult circuit champion. A 10 mover and jumper just thriving in a new career move. It’s the best life by far, with all the treats and pets!


Photo by Shawn McMillen Photography


Have questions about utilizing BarnManager or want to give it a try for yourself? Request a live demo here!

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

How Show Assist Helps Build Horse Show Connections

How Show Assist Helps Build Horse Show Connections

Finding help in the equestrian industry can be a stressful and challenging task. It is not always easy to find the right person that is responsible, knowledgeable, and trustworthy enough to take care of performance horses. Hiring a reliable employee for horse shows can add an extra level of difficulty because of the long hours, high-pressure situations, and the often short-term nature of the need.

There are constant “Seeking Groom” posts circulating on social media in the hopes that the right person will respond. Although this can be an inexpensive way to find help, it is very time consuming for employers. It is also not always the most effective or reliable method for finding help at the last minute. And these common methods don’t allow those in need of a job to narrow down their searches to only the specific type of work or geographical location that they are looking for.

Without a dependable and cost-effective way to search for help, many employers struggle to find the correct match. Similarly, service providers often end up finding themselves in positions that were not what they expected when responding to vague callouts on social media or through word-of-mouth suggestions.

BarnManager Meets ShowAssist

This issue is what led Deidre McAuley-Hayes, a horse show mom, and her daughter Malachi Hinton to create ShowAssist, an app designed to fill in the gaps when help is needed. When BarnManager founder Nicole Lakin was approached by Deidre for guidance, Nicole realized that the app would also benefit the BarnManager community.

ShowAssist was founded in 2019 by Deidre and her daughter, Malachi Hinton. The app is designed to aid those who are in need of last-minute, short-term work at a horse show. Employers can use ShowAssist to post a specific job position on the app, including pay and location. Service providers can search and apply to job listings depending on their location, availability, and experience.


Connecting People

The mother-daughter duo decided their main goal was to create a simple way for trainers, owners, riders, braiders, grooms, and other service providers planning on attending the same upcoming show to communicate with one another and make arrangements. Deidre and Malachi focused on building the app strictly for short-term work needed at the last minute at an event.

“It seemed like every other day there was a groom looking for a job or an owner looking to hire someone for one week,” explained Deidre. “In creating the app, we considered factors such as language spoken, whether housing and transportation was provided or needed, experience level, geographical location, and pay. We did market research and thought about what the employers would want to see in terms of services they needed.”

Instant Service

The demands of the equestrian industry are always changing and evolving. Deidre and Malachi wanted to be sure that ShowAssist could keep up with those needs. Whether posting, searching, or applying for a job, ShowAssist users receive instant alerts and updates. The team behind the app aimed to make it as user-friendly as possible to post, search, and apply for jobs.  They also worked hard to make the steps of hiring, accepting a job, and paying straightforward and uncomplicated. Their app is designed to connect busy people with the services or jobs they need while on the go.

Hiring and looking for available jobs in the equestrian world will most likely never be an enjoyable task. ShowAssist is there to make the process easier. The app assists both employers and employees in the process. ShowAssist does this by connecting the right people and providing instant service to get the job done.

Available jobs show up on ShowAssist for hunter/jumper horse shows all over the United States and Canada. For more information about ShowAssist, visit their website or download the app through the Apple App Store or Google Play.


Have questions about utilizing BarnManager or want to give it a try for yourself? Request a live demo here!

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

Part Three of Wild Spirits, Gentle Hearts: The Story of Two Mustang-Crazy Girls

Part Three of Wild Spirits, Gentle Hearts: The Story of Two Mustang-Crazy Girls

By Emily and Sarah Harris

Ever since we were younger, it was our dream to adopt a wild mustang. Every year we would look at the Bureau of Land Management’s mustang auctions, always hoping that one day… just maybe… we would bring one home.

This year our childhood dreams became reality.

Read Part One here!

Read Part Two here!

For the conclusion of our journey, read below.

From Sarah:

Choosing Our Final Two Mustangs

After deciding to choose another horse instead of the one we bought on the online auction that turned out to have a lump on her stomach, I searched around, longing to find my next equine partner. We were all set with our first filly, and we knew we were approved for a total of three mustangs, so we could choose two more. I looked at the other horses in the pen, and my eyes stopped on a large sorrel gelding. He was the second-tallest one I’d seen, but his plain coloring caused him to be overlooked. He hadn’t been chosen yet, at least I hoped. The clipboard said he was five years old. I made a mental note of his tag number.

I still wanted to find one more horse and suddenly I saw her. She was a faded black color, and boy, was she a tank! I knew Emily would love her. The list said she was two years old and “brown” in color. I made a mental note of her tag number as well.

Emily and Hope

While we stood in line to fill out new adoption applications, Emily and I went over our plan for securing our next best friends. We would still get the sorrel filly we had won on the online auction, and then we would try to get the sorrel gelding and the brown filly I had seen. Now we had to wait. As each minute passed, the knots in my stomach got tighter. I prayed they wouldn’t be chosen by someone further up the line. Behind the adoption table was a list of all the horses there. When one was adopted, the BLM workers would cross out their tag number. My heart would lurch into my throat every time a worker stood up to cross out a listing.

We finally reached the adoption table and finalized the papers for our “internet horse,” received a refund for the filly that had a lump on her side, and completed our in-person adoption application for the other two. After paying $25 each for the two we found that day, it was official! We were bringing all three home!

After the horses were haltered, the BLM workers took off their neck tags and handed them to us. It was like being handed keys to a new car or home, but we were being handed the ownership of three beautiful wild horses! We watched our newest treasures load onto the trailer, then as we drove home, we felt them shake the trailer like we’ve never experienced before! We realized we were in for the time of our lives with this new adventure and, if we are honest, we almost second-guessed ourselves.

Bringing Three Mustangs Home

We have had experience training green horses, and we have raised a yearling and broke her to ride. We have had lots of “project horses” because that was mostly what we could afford, so we were used to working with inexperienced horses. But this was going to be the ultimate challenge; we would be training three completely wild, untouched, and untrained horses.

Sarah and Blaze

Emily and I decided to name the five-year-old sorrel gelding Blazin’ Wildfire, “Blaze” for short, because of his fiery sorrel color and wild nature. We can say that his name totally fits him! His health record showed he was from Chloride Canyon, Utah, and had been brought in only three months prior and was gelded the next month.

As for our two-year-old sorrel “internet adoption” filly, we named her Bold Faith and “Faith” for short. Her name was symbolic because she was the first mustang we bid on and won. Getting her was an act of faith. We noticed how confidently she walked up to us when we got her home. Her health records indicated she was from Antelope Valley, Nevada, and born in a holding facility because they listed an actual birth date instead of a capture date, which would explain her willingness to approach us and her open-minded nature.

Last, but certainly not least, we named the two-year-old brown (faded black-looking) filly High Hopes and “Hope” for short. We noticed she was very inquisitive and curious. She always had this hopeful look like she wanted to check us out, but she was hesitant. Since she was a replacement filly for the one we had passed on from the auction, we had “high hopes” she would be a good choice. We learned from her health records that she was from North Hills, Utah, and was rounded up in 2019. She had been in holding for two years.

Creating Partnership and Trust

We have had our mustangs for a few months, and we are completely in love with them. From day one, we have worked on building their trust. We have discovered that despite their wild spirits, they truly have gentle hearts. To take a wild horse and win its trust to the point that it would let you touch it is such a special experience. If you have ever heard mustang owners talk about that “first touch,” it is truly an INCREDIBLE feeling. Emily and I can honestly say that having wild horses has made a huge impact on our hearts and lives; we are completely hooked on them as our favorite type of horses. We are mustang crazy more than ever!

Hope and Faith enjoying their new home with Emily and Sarah

What makes our adoption even more memorable is that 2021 marks the 50th anniversary of the Wild Free-Roaming Horse & Burro Act, which was unanimously passed by Congress to protect wild horses and burros from capture, branding, harassment, or death. The Act makes it illegal for anyone to remove these animals from public lands, to cause their death, to process the animals into commercial products, or to otherwise use them in any way for private use without government approval. This Act declares that “wild, free-roaming horses and burros are living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West; that they contribute to the diversity of life forms within the Nation and enrich the lives of the American people…”

We can certainly say that they have enriched our lives. We are very happy to have welcomed these three precious wild horses into our hearts and homes!

To learn more about Sisters Horsing Around, visit and follow them on Facebook,Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, and Twitter.

Find out more about the Bureau of Land Management Wild Horse and Burro Adoption and Sales Program on their website:


Have questions about utilizing BarnManager or want to give it a try for yourself? Request a live demo here!

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

Seven Exercises To Develop Your Equitation Skills This Finals Season

Seven Exercises To Develop Your Equitation Skills This Finals Season

We have all seen the pictures of the technical and impressive courses that the top equitation trainers set up to prepare for equitation finals, but what are some of the simpler ways you can do this yourself? Here are some tips to get you and your horse at the top of your game even if you are staying home this fall.

1. Cavaletti Work

Setting up a line of cavaletti is a great way to practice collecting and lengthening your horse’s stride. Cavaletti poles are easy to set up in a gymnastics pattern, which can help the rider’s balance and position.

You can set up a variety of exercises, like trot rails, bounces, one-strides, or a combination of these.

2. Bending Lines

Almost every equitation final course has at least one bending line. Setting up a bending line and learning to ride both the inside and outside track by adding or taking out strides is a great way to practice for future, more technical, courses. Riders can also practice holding the lead their horse lands on through the bending line. If you are unsure of what types of lines to set up, check out some past equitation finals courses for reference here:

3. Practice Your Leads

Riders are often asked to canter fences on specific leads or show a change of lead while in an equitation test. This is a skill that is perfect to learn and practice at home. Making sure that your horse is in tune with your cues is essential. Horses can sometimes get a little anxious about picking up the counter canter, so executing a calm and smooth transition is key. All horses have a stronger direction, but working your horse equally so that they are as comfortable and strong as possible on both leads is helpful.

Additionally, it is important to be able to ask your horse to land on specific leads after a fence. Having the ability to land on different leads may help you in a test where the judge has asked riders to counter canter the next fence. Knowing how to land on the correct lead in a bending line can reduce the chance of your horse doing a lead change in the middle of the line or swapping before the next jump.

4. Transitions

Another skill equitation riders are often asked to demonstrate in a test is a transition. This can include transitions between gaits and transitions within a gait. Riders may be asked to return to a walk in a test or show a change of lead through a downward transition. Practicing these types of transitions to make them as seamless as possible will definitely benefit you in the equitation ring as well as improve your riding in general.

5. Adjustability

Equitation riders have to know how to manage their horse’s canter stride while on course. For example, an equitation final course may have a short three-stride line directly to a more open three-stride line. Riders should make sure their horse is adjustable and listening to their aids in order to collect and lengthen strides quickly. Equitation courses often have tight turns where a rider must collect their horse’s stride in order to successfully follow the track. Some tests require hand galloping to a fence, in which case the rider must know how to lengthen and maintain their horse’s larger stride.

6. Fences on the Corner

Equitation courses often include fences placed on the corner or end of the ring, which are designed to come up quickly. These jumps are sometimes skinny fences, which adds an extra level of difficulty. Straightness and communication between you and your mount come into play with skinny jumps. Your horse may not always be expecting these types of fences, so practicing different tricky angles at home can help both you and your horse become used to them. Looking at past equitation final courses to get inspiration for where to place the fence is helpful here as well.

7. No-Stirrup Work

This tip goes without saying. Riding without stirrups can help build strength and improve balance. You never know when the judge will ask riders to drop their stirrups in a flat class or test! Although you may see the top equitation riders jumping without stirrups around a 3’6” course with ease, remember it takes time and practice to get there. Start by dropping your stirrups for part of your daily flatwork and then slowly increase the time. Similarly, begin by doing no-stirrup work over poles and then gradually start to add in small fences.

Even if you are not attending indoor finals this fall, these exercises are helpful in improving your equitation and getting you ready for the show ring!

Have questions about utilizing BarnManager or want to give it a try for yourself? Request a live demo here!

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

Part Two of Wild Spirits, Gentle Hearts: The Story of Two Mustang-Crazy Girls

Part Two of Wild Spirits, Gentle Hearts: The Story of Two Mustang-Crazy Girls

By Emily and Sarah Harris

Ever since we were younger, it was our dream to adopt a wild mustang. “Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron” was our favorite movie. We wrote books about wild horses and played games about them. We watched documentaries about the wild mustang stallion Cloud and watched the movies “Wild Horse, Wild Ride,” “Wild Horse Redemption,” and “500 Miles.” In 2016, we met the winner of the 2014 Youth Extreme Mustang Makeover, Kirsten Mew, at an event, and she shared encouraging words about training mustangs. Every year we would look at the Bureau of Land Management’s Mustang auctions, always hoping that one day… just maybe… we would bring one home.

This year our childhood dreams became reality.

Read Part One here!

From Emily:

Finding a Filly

When the online auction started, we had already picked out several favorite horses that we wanted to try to bid on. The auction lasted a week with bids being placed on the horses throughout that time. There was a two-year-old sorrel filly that was approximately 14.2 hands that Sarah liked. We bid on her and got into a mini bidding war, but we came out on top with the winning bid of $205! We lost a bid on another mustang as her price was beyond our budget. There were horses whose bids had skyrocketed upwards of THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS, which was WAY out of our price range.

With minutes left on the clock, we searched for another mustang to bid on, but by this time the pickins were very, very slim. Then we found her, a sweet looking two-year-old brown filly. She was a hand shorter than the one we were winning, but she was quite the looker! We placed our bids and waited. Another mini bidding war ensued. With only seconds left on the clock, we waited in pure suspense. Our web browser’s refresh button probably felt like a tennis ball getting whacked by a racket with how many times we clicked that button. 3…2…1… game over. WE WON! The little filly was ours for $110!

To say we were relieved would be such an understatement. We melted in our seats and let out all the built-up tension. It was happening; our dreams were becoming a reality. Now all we had to do was get them home.

Picking Up Our Mustangs

The closest pickup location for the mustangs in that auction was at an in-person BLM Adoption Event three hours away from where we lived. In addition to being a pickup location for horses sold in the online auction, the Adoption Event featured other horses and burros, all of which are unhandled and untrained, available for the public to adopt or buy for a flat price of $25.

The event was held at The Meadow in Doswell, Virginia, which was also the birthplace of legendary racehorse Secretariat. When we arrived, we immediately set out to find our two mustangs. Our hearts melted as we entered the huge covered arena where the event was taking place. Holding pens full of the sweetest faces you’ve ever seen were looking around, wondering what on earth was going on. Despite the many people milling around, the mustangs were calm and watched with curiosity. There were bays, paints, sorrels, blacks, buckskins, creams, duns, greys, and roans.

Since we weren’t told where our mustangs were, finding them was like looking for a needle in a haystack. Each holding pen had a clipboard listing the horses’ tag number, age, color, sex, and state of origin. It wasn’t long before we laid eyes on the first filly that we had won, confirmed by the tag number around her neck. We found our adorable sorrel filly in a pen full of sassy youngsters milling around her like a merry-go-round. She was the cutest little thing!

A Change of Plan

Now that we had found our first filly, it was time to find our second one. We walked around the pens, scanning them as we passed by and finally found her. She had a very distinct Andalusian-like body that stood out in the crowd of horses around her. We were beaming, until a large unsightly lump on her stomach caught our eye. Our excitement was dashed like a kite being struck by lightning. We stared in disbelief at her stomach. Could it be her? Or were we mistaking her for a gelding? Nope, her tag number let us know it was her, but the lump bulging out of her stomach looked very concerning. Something was wrong. It could be a hernia, or it could be worse: cancer.

We knew that once we signed off on her, we would instantly be responsible for her medical care. If there was something seriously wrong, then we might be in for potentially costly medical expenses right off the bat.  Disappointed, we decided to pass on getting her and looked for another mustang. Saddened, we shuffled back to our first filly’s pen and tried to come up with a game plan.

Stay tuned for Part 3 coming soon when Emily and Sarah find their final mustang and bring them home!

Find out more about the Bureau of Land Management Wild Horse and Burro Adoption and Sales Program on their website:

Have questions about utilizing BarnManager or want to give it a try for yourself? Request a live demo here!

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

Swinging Into the Autumn Season With Seven Preparation Tips

Swinging Into the Autumn Season With Seven Preparation Tips

The fall season for many can bring unknowns about fluctuating temperatures, unexpected weather events, and inconstant environments. Here are some tips to make sure your farm and horse are ready for the changing of the seasons.

1. Do you grow, harvest, and bale your own hay? Now is the time to look at how much you have left and how much space you have. Do you buy hay? Check it for freshness and any signs of mold.


2. Check your equipment for anything broken and in need of repair or replacement – wheelbarrows, pitchforks, shovels – all of the everyday items that have the most wear and tear.


3. Heading indoors for the winter? Find out about winterizing your outdoor footing to make sure it holds up with rain, ice, and snow coming soon. In your indoor arena, look into what to add to sand footing to keep it free of frost and soft when temperatures are subzero. Seal up drafts around the arena, wash all of the windows while the weather is still warm, and lubricate any sliding door tracks.


4. Riding outside, on the trails, and through forests and fields this fall? Make sure you know which are hunting areas, what the local hunting seasons are, and that you and your horse have high-visibility apparel.


5. Make sure sheets and blankets are aired out, clean, and have no holes, rips, or missing buckles and clasps.


6. Double-check all of your electric equipment, outlets, and lighting. The last thing you want to do in inclement weather is replace a burnt-out lightbulb!


7. If less daylight and lower temperatures mean your horse is coming inside more and changing its diet from pasture grazing to hay as its primary feed, talk to your veterinarian about how best to manage supplement modifications, sugar intake, hay quality and quantity, and how best to avoid colic as you make slow and steady adjustments.

With these tips, you’re well on your way to getting ready for crisp air, pumpkins, and apple bobbing (your horse’s favorite autumn activity).

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BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!