Liv’s Tip of the Month – Showing Your Horse Your Thanks
Cultivate a little gratitude for your horse! It’s easy to show daily gratitude for our horses with a treat, a hand graze, extra scratches on the itchy spots.
But what about big picture stuff? Like saddle fit? The best diet formulated by an equine nutritionist? Regular bloodwork and soundness exams?
And bigger yet? Retirement plans? Finding a barn with bigger fields, larger stalls, more horse friends?
Or you could go the opposite way – find gratitude in the little things – like trail rides? Days off? Longer grooming sessions?
What’s your favorite way to show your horse some gratitude?
Liv Gude, a former International Dressage Groom for years, founded proequinegrooms.com as a way to unite Grooms in the horse industry. The educational website also serves to entertain and inform horse owners across all disciplines about horse care, grooming, and health. Click here to check it out!