The BarnManager Q&A With: Abigail Fulmer

The BarnManager Q&A With:

Abigail Fulmer, Head Groom/Barn Manager for Lynn Symansky Equestrian, located in Middleburg, VA

Abigail Fulmer and Lynn Symansky at the Ocala Jockey Club International Three-Day Event.


What are important items that are always in your ring bag?

In my ring bag, I always have a hoof pick, rubber bands, pins, and a leather hole punch.

What is the most helpful habit that you practice at the barn?

I always make a to-do list. When you work in a fast-paced performance barn, you are always having to multitask and end up doing several jobs at once, so it is very easy to overlook or forget to do something. This is why I always make a list for myself, either on the whiteboard or I make a note in my phone. This helps me make sure that everything gets done in the most efficient way possible and that I do not forget anything.

(Did you know? BarnManager’s app has a helpful list feature so you can make your daily to-do lists with your team at the barn!)

How do you foster a great team environment in your business?

Communication. In my experience, most tension and struggles between people working together come from a lack of communication. For this reason, I think effective communication should be a priority in a barn.

Abigail Fulmer enjoying some downtime at a horse show.

What’s your best tip or hack for grooming and horse care? Where did you learn it?

For horses with dry skin or sensitive skin, apple cider vinegar is your best friend. Dilute it in a bit of warm water and it will work wonders on hives or dry skin. I learned this trick from Lynn’s previous groom that I had the pleasure of overlapping with for a few months as I was getting started in the business.

What is your favorite equestrian competition and why?

My favorite event so far has been Land Rover Kentucky Three-Day Event. It is such a beautiful facility and a hub for people from all over the world to come together to compete and enjoy the sport.

If you were a horse, what would you be and why?

I would be a Shetland pony because even though I may be tiny I can still hold my own with the massive warmbloods in our program!

Have questions about utilizing BarnManager or want to give it a try for yourself? Request a live demo here!

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

BarnManager’s Grooming Necessities

There are several important products and tools that should be in every groom box and ring bag to ensure a clean and shiny horse at the barn and during competition. Keep reading for some of BarnManager’s grooming essentials for at home and in the show ring.

Groom Box Supplies

Most Important Items

Your grooming box at home should have all the necessary tools you need to thoroughly clean your horse. To begin, make sure you have a hoof pick, curry comb, hard brush, soft brush, and mane-and-tail brush. Hoof picks should be used before and after you ride to ensure there are no rocks or objects stuck in your horse’s hooves and to remove footing and dirt. For curry combs, there are several different options; some prefer a mitt while others like to use a regular rubber one. The style does not matter as long as you are able to successfully remove dirt and old hair. Having two different types of brushes is helpful because a hard brush is perfect for getting dirt or mud off of your horse’s legs, and a soft brush is great to use on the face. While many people do not brush their horse’s tail every day in order to help to keep it full, having a mane-and-tail brush or comb is good to have to gently remove tangles or debris.

Once you add brushes into your grooming box, the next step is to make sure you have a towel, tail detangler, and fly spray. Towels are always handy for wiping down a horse after brushing them. A towel can catch any leftover dirt and add a little extra shine. A tail detangler is a definite necessity to brush a tail without pulling too much of it out. Fly spray may not be needed during the colder months, but it is definitely important in the summer and if you travel to warmer climates in the winter.

Extra Small Items

Lastly, your grooming box should have scissors, wound cream, and rubber bands. Scissors are nice to have close by for trimming a mane. You may also use them to cut off extra Velcro on a polo, remove a tag from a new saddle pad, or to trim the ends of your horse’s tail. Horses tend to get scrapes and nicks easily, so having a wound cream is essential. Rubber bands are a useful tool to keep on hand for braiding over an unruly mane. Also, if a keeper breaks on a bridle, a rubber band can be a good temporary fix.

Click here for a checklist


Ring Bag Supplies

Most Important Items

Several components of your groom box are also tools that you should keep in your ring bag. For example, a hoof pick, scissors, hard brush, towel, and mane-and-tail brush are necessities for a quick clean-up before entering the show ring. You never know when you might need a hoof pick or pair of scissors at the last minute. For this reason, having them in your bag is key. A brush can be useful for cleaning off the footing or dirt on a horse’s legs. A towel can be used to clean off the rider’s boots as well as the horse’s mouth. Quickly brushing through a horse’s tail can help maintain their picture-perfect look in the ring, especially for the hunters.

Fly spray, a tail detangler, and wound cream can also be put in your ring bag, along with baby powder, hoof oil, and baby wipes. It’s good to have fly spray and a tail detangler nearby when you are at the ring. Fly spray is very important to have in the summer heat when the flies are bad. Horses can often nick themselves or grab themselves in the schooling area. For this reason, you should try to have a wound cream close by. Baby powder is a great product for whitening socks before a hunter hack or model. Hoof oil should be applied right before a horse walks into the ring. Baby wipes are perfect for quick touch-ups to ensure a clean look.

Extra Small Items

The last few small items that should be kept in a ring bag are safety pins, a hole punch, boot polish, rubber bands, zip ties, and duct tape. Safety pins hold a jumper’s number in place on a saddle pad can sometimes come loose, so extras are helpful. A hole punch can come in handy for last-minute tack adjustments. Your rider will appreciate you having boot polish if their boots get extra muddy or they run out. Rubber bands are great for fixing a jumper braid. They can also serve as a quick fix for broken tack, along with zip ties. Duct tape can be useful to have if a horse pulls a shoe at the ring.

In order to make sure that your whole team knows what to bring to the ring, you can use BarnManager’s list feature to create a checklist of all necessary grooming supplies for a ring bag.

Click here for a checklist

Depending on the level, discipline, and type of barn you work for there may be other important items to consider, but the supplies above are the core tools that can ensure your horse will be looking its best at home and in the show ring.

Have questions about utilizing BarnManager or want to give it a try for yourself? Request a live demo here!

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

The BarnManager Q&A With: Nicole Baergen

The BarnManager Q&A With:

Nicole Baergen, Groom and Manager for Jan Brons Dressage, located in Wellington, FL

Nicole Baergen and Glen Emeril competing. Photo by Barbara Foose

What are three things that are always in your ring bag?

I always carry fly spray, towels, and a hoof pick with me to the ring.

What is the most helpful habit you practice at the barn?

I think it is important to pick horses’ feet before leaving their stall to keep the aisle clean and neat. I also believe that all equipment and grooming supplies should have a “home” or specific spot where they are stored. It is helpful for people to know where to put things after they use them, so things don’t pile up at the end of the day.

How do you foster a great team environment in your business?

I try to schedule group activities outside of the barn. It gets everyone excited and looking forward to doing something together. I actually use Groupon a lot because it’s a great way to find local things to do. Plus, it’s easy on everyone’s budget.

Nicole Baergen and Chichic enjoying some downtime at the Central American and Caribbean Games in 2018.

What’s your best tip or hack for grooming and horse care? Where did you learn it?

I love my tails. I’m big on conditioning and trimming them weekly. Also, currying is so important. I love my metal curry to massage the body. I then use a rubber curry to get the legs and the in-between places. I learned these grooming tricks when I was in high school and spent a summer as a working student for Nancy Later. She was a stickler for the details. I’m so grateful to have had her guidance, which helped lay the foundation for me to be doing what I do now.

What is your favorite equestrian competition and why?

I love them all. I don’t think I could pick one. I enjoy being able to constantly meet so many people and learn from them at different shows. Plus, I have had the pleasure of working with some amazing horses.

If you were a horse, what would you be and why?

A Shetland pony! I may be small, but I’m mighty.


Have questions about utilizing BarnManager or want to give it a try for yourself? Request a live demo here!

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

Five Qualities That Make a Good Barn Manager

Barn managers are a key component to running a successful barn. Keep reading to learn about some of the essential traits of a good barn manager.

1. The Ability to Multi-Task

Barn managers must be able to handle switching between several different tasks in a short period of time. They have to know how to prioritize their projects so the most important tasks are done quickly and efficiently. A medical emergency might happen right when a manager is in the middle of packing for a horse show, so they must know how to change gears and attend to the more important job without losing track of other things. It is also necessary for managers to balance several activities at once, keeping each one on track throughout a busy day. For example, managers often need to build the schedule for the next day while also helping the visiting vet, ordering grain, getting the rides done, or checking in with other staff.

2. Planning Ahead

Managers have to be two steps ahead of everyone else. For this reason, the ability to make both long-term and short-term schedules is critical. For long-term scheduling, managers should know key dates such as when horse show entries are due, which weeks the farrier is coming, and when health papers are needed. Knowing when each horse is scheduled for various procedures is a lot to keep straight, but it is the manager’s job to know when a client inquires.

At horse shows, the ability to make daily short-term schedules is essential. Managers are responsible for knowing which groom is taking each horse to the ring, making sure every horse has the right equipment, and being sure that all the correct aftercare is done. This requires managers to be able to plan out each day almost to the minute.

3. Communication Skills

Managers must effectively communicate with all staff members as well as clients, vets, farriers, and more. During a busy day, especially at a horse show, clear communication is crucial. Managers need to be positive that grooms, clients, riders, and trainers are all on the same page and understand the plan. Additionally, if the plan changes, managers are often in charge of making sure everyone is aware of the alterations.

When talking with coworkers, it is very helpful to keep a positive attitude. Managers are seen as the leaders. If they have a negative attitude, it will most likely transfer to other employees. If a problem arises between two coworkers, barn managers need to know how to remain calm, listen to both sides, and work with each employee to come up with a solution.

In order to successfully communicate and work with vets and farriers, managers must understand basic horse knowledge. It is their job to tell the vet or farrier what is going on with the horse when there is an issue. They are often responsible for relaying the diagnosis or treatment plan to the trainer, rider, and client.

4. An Open Mind

For most jobs in the equestrian industry, having an open mind is key. Even if someone has been a manager for 10 years, there is always something new they can learn. Every horse has something to teach, and coworkers also have new tips or tricks that are helpful. Having a positive attitude and always being willing to learn can help managers constantly improve their skills.

5. Love of the Horse

The most necessary quality in a good barn manager is to love the horses. The job requires long hours and can be physically and mentally tiring. A commitment to the animals makes it all worth it. A manager that has a passion for horses will always be fully committed to the job and make sure the horses’ care comes first.

Barn managers may not always be the ones riding and training. Their dedication to the barn behind the scenes allows for happy, healthy, and successful horses and riders.

Have questions about utilizing BarnManager or want to give it a try for yourself? Request a live demo here!

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

The BarnManager Q&A With: Hadley Wheaton Lamond

The BarnManager Q&A With:

Hadley Wheaton Lamond, rider and trainer located in Connecticut

What are three things that are always in your ring bag?

I always carry small microfiber cloths in my bag. I use them for last-minute touches on my boots, horse, or tack before I go in the show ring. They are really convenient to put in my bag and do a better job than regular towels. I also try to keep a crop and spurs in my bag. I recently went to a show and accidentally forgot spurs. Luckily, I had a friend there who let me borrow a pair, which saved the day. I can’t stand riding without gloves or a hairnet, so I always make sure to have extras of those in my bag as well.

What is the most helpful habit you practice at the barn?

Photo by SEL Photography

Being consistent is the most important and helpful habit I practice right now. I’m definitely less motivated in the winter since I live in Connecticut and don’t go south. Keeping myself and my horses in a routine is crucial. I try to keep on top of things like having my tack and equipment organized, making sure my horses still look show ready, etc. I find this creates less stress and anxiety down the road.

How do you foster a great team environment in your business?

When I travel to teach or groom, I try to have a positive mindset. Working 10 to 12 hours a day is exhausting and the days can be unpredictable. I try to keep team spirits up by smiling and having a sense of humor. I find that even small things like saying thank you can have a big impact on someone, especially if they are not having the best day.

What’s your best tip or hack for grooming and horse care? Where did you learn it?

Until recently I always bought the more generic and less expensive brushes. I started buying HAAS brushes and they’re completely worth it. I saw someone using that brand in a TikTok so I decided to try them.

What is your favorite equestrian competition and why?

I don’t know if I have a favorite, but I really loved showing at Tryon International Equestrian Center. The layout, amenities, and vendors made the show very convenient and enjoyable. The rings and stables were also nice. I would definitely like to show there again, and hopefully, I will be able to show in a derby. Their recent derbies have looked like a lot of fun.

If you were a horse, what would you be and why?

I always tell my students I would be the worst horse to ride. I think sometimes we forget how patient and willing horses can be. I personally don’t see myself being the most “tolerant” horse. For this reason, I would probably be sitting in a field somewhere.

Have questions about utilizing BarnManager or want to give it a try for yourself? Request a live demo here!

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

Six Household Items To Use at the Barn This Winter

Riding or working in a barn during cold winter weather is never an easy task. Read about some of BarnManager’s favorite winter hacks using products you can find in your own home.

1. Crockpot

A crockpot or slow cooker is very helpful to have at the barn when the temperatures are below freezing. They do a great job of keeping water warm for grooming or cleaning tack if you do not have access to hot water. You can also dip your horse’s bit into the crockpot before putting the bridle on to make it more comfortable for your horse.

2. Hairdryer

Even if your horse is clipped, they can often get sweaty after a ride. You always want to make sure your horse is dry before putting their blanket on, which sometimes can take a while. Bring your hairdryer from home to speed up the process. If you do a combination of blow-drying and toweling, your horse will be dry in no time.


3. Rubbing Alcohol

This winter hack is also for quickly drying your horse’s coat after a ride so they do not catch a chill. Put rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle, apply it to your horse’s coat, and then towel off the area. Alcohol evaporates quickly and also takes the water with it so your horse will dry off a lot faster. By the time you finish cleaning your tack, your horse will be dry and ready for their blanket.

4. Cooking Spray

If you live in an area where it snows a lot, you might want to bring some cooking spray to the barn. Horses often have balls of snow and ice form on the bottoms of their feet when they are turned out in the snow, which can make walking uncomfortable. Apply cooking spray to your horse’s feet after picking them out to prevent the ice balls from forming.

5. Vacuum

Since giving a bath during the winter is often not an option, getting your horse clean can be a difficult task, especially if you are trying to get ready for a horse show. Some barns have horse vacuums to help, but if your barn does not you can always use your vacuum from home. This hack may not be for every horse, but if your mount is brave enough then you can run a vacuum over them using the brush attachment to get rid of dirt and hair.

6. Dryer Sheets

Accidentally shocking your horse because of static electricity during the winter is never a pleasant experience. Before you put the blanket back on your horse, rub them and the liner of their blanket with a dryer sheet to get rid of static electricity. You can also rub it through their mane and tail to prevent any shocking.

Start searching your house for some of these useful items to bring to the barn for an easier and more enjoyable winter experience.

Have questions about utilizing BarnManager or want to give it a try for yourself? Request a live demo here!

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

The BarnManager Q&A With: Kiira M. Lizza, Manager at Grafton Ridge

The BarnManager Q&A With:

Kiira M. Lizza, Manager at Grafton Ridge, located in South Salem, NY, and Wellington, FL

What are three things that are always in your ring bag?

Kiira: A towel, hoof oil, and extra earplugs.

What is the most helpful habit that you practice at the barn?

Kiira: At Grafton Ridge, we practice a gold standard of horse care habits. I like to say we practice FEI-level care at a national level. Coming from an FEI background having worked for both Anne Kursinski and Leslie Howard, I love different therapies and am always looking for extra things we can do for the horses to help them feel their best. I am also big on proper turnout time and rest for the horses. They work very hard for us, and we like to make sure they have some downtime in the paddock after showing. All of our horses, no matter if they do the leadline or the upper-level jumpers, get some type of therapy on a daily basis. This could be the laser, the UltrOZ™, magnetic blanket, TheraPlate, etc. We’re very passionate about horse care and making sure the horses are healthy, fit, and most importantly, happy!

How do you foster a great team environment in your business?

Kiira: A great team environment is something we pride ourselves on at Grafton Ridge. Michael Delfiandra and Vanessa Roman have built an incredibly organized, systemized, and positive work environment that is truly the best show barn I have ever worked in. We hold weekly team meetings, encourage open communication, and celebrate the small wins. These practices have fostered a trusting team that allows us to depend on one another and find joy in the day-to-day hustle and bustle of a busy show barn. A large part of the curriculum in my MBA studies at Warwick Business School in England was focused on self-introspection and how to develop high-performing teams. I like to bring what I learned during my MBA and put it into practice in the barn.

Kiira Lizza competing in the hunters.

What’s your best tip or hack for grooming and horse care? Where did you learn it?

Kiira: I am a big fan of currying! Currying is a great way to not only loosen dirt and hair off your horse, but also gives the muscles a nice massage and gives the groom an opportunity to look over every inch of the horse. I am also big on baby powder on the legs. I am crazy about the legs being dry after baths, clipping, etc., to prevent scratches. For horse care in general, you have to let them be horses. Proper turnout time, good nutrition, and an excellent vet and farrier are the foundation of great horse care.

What is your favorite equestrian competition and why?

Kiira: This is tough! I love Lake Placid in New York but am also a big fan of the Middleburg Classic in Virginia. Both these shows have great hospitality, beautiful facilities and jumps, and are in a great location for non-horse show activities.

If you were a horse, what would you be and why?

Kiira: I’d like to think I’d be an amateur’s upper-level jumper. This way I could be someone’s forever horse and receive all the pampering I need to do my job well.


Have questions about utilizing BarnManager or want to give it a try for yourself? Request a live demo here!

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

How Show Assist Helps Build Horse Show Connections

How Show Assist Helps Build Horse Show Connections

Finding help in the equestrian industry can be a stressful and challenging task. It is not always easy to find the right person that is responsible, knowledgeable, and trustworthy enough to take care of performance horses. Hiring a reliable employee for horse shows can add an extra level of difficulty because of the long hours, high-pressure situations, and the often short-term nature of the need.

There are constant “Seeking Groom” posts circulating on social media in the hopes that the right person will respond. Although this can be an inexpensive way to find help, it is very time consuming for employers. It is also not always the most effective or reliable method for finding help at the last minute. And these common methods don’t allow those in need of a job to narrow down their searches to only the specific type of work or geographical location that they are looking for.

Without a dependable and cost-effective way to search for help, many employers struggle to find the correct match. Similarly, service providers often end up finding themselves in positions that were not what they expected when responding to vague callouts on social media or through word-of-mouth suggestions.

BarnManager Meets ShowAssist

This issue is what led Deidre McAuley-Hayes, a horse show mom, and her daughter Malachi Hinton to create ShowAssist, an app designed to fill in the gaps when help is needed. When BarnManager founder Nicole Lakin was approached by Deidre for guidance, Nicole realized that the app would also benefit the BarnManager community.

ShowAssist was founded in 2019 by Deidre and her daughter, Malachi Hinton. The app is designed to aid those who are in need of last-minute, short-term work at a horse show. Employers can use ShowAssist to post a specific job position on the app, including pay and location. Service providers can search and apply to job listings depending on their location, availability, and experience.


Connecting People

The mother-daughter duo decided their main goal was to create a simple way for trainers, owners, riders, braiders, grooms, and other service providers planning on attending the same upcoming show to communicate with one another and make arrangements. Deidre and Malachi focused on building the app strictly for short-term work needed at the last minute at an event.

“It seemed like every other day there was a groom looking for a job or an owner looking to hire someone for one week,” explained Deidre. “In creating the app, we considered factors such as language spoken, whether housing and transportation was provided or needed, experience level, geographical location, and pay. We did market research and thought about what the employers would want to see in terms of services they needed.”

Instant Service

The demands of the equestrian industry are always changing and evolving. Deidre and Malachi wanted to be sure that ShowAssist could keep up with those needs. Whether posting, searching, or applying for a job, ShowAssist users receive instant alerts and updates. The team behind the app aimed to make it as user-friendly as possible to post, search, and apply for jobs.  They also worked hard to make the steps of hiring, accepting a job, and paying straightforward and uncomplicated. Their app is designed to connect busy people with the services or jobs they need while on the go.

Hiring and looking for available jobs in the equestrian world will most likely never be an enjoyable task. ShowAssist is there to make the process easier. The app assists both employers and employees in the process. ShowAssist does this by connecting the right people and providing instant service to get the job done.

Available jobs show up on ShowAssist for hunter/jumper horse shows all over the United States and Canada. For more information about ShowAssist, visit their website or download the app through the Apple App Store or Google Play.


Have questions about utilizing BarnManager or want to give it a try for yourself? Request a live demo here!

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!

The BarnManager Q&A With: Stephanie Nell, groom for Olympic gold medalist Rodrigo Pessoa

The BarnManager Q&A With:

Stephanie Nell, groom for Olympic gold medalist Rodrigo Pessoa

What are three things that are always in your ring bag?
Stephanie: I always have the safety vest, sugar cubes, and a towel!

What is the most helpful habit that you practice at the barn?
Stephanie: Routine – things don’t always go according to plan with this job, but it’s good to have some sort of consistency for the horses to keep them level headed (and for the people).

How do you foster a great team environment in your business?
Stephanie: Communication, all the way. Unfortunately, we aren’t all mind readers, so if we need something or have any concerns, we need to speak up. If we need to know something, ask!

What’s your best tip or hack for grooming and horse care? Where did you learn it?
Stephanie: A mixture spray of witch hazel and vinegar for irritated skin. At my first job, I took care of a chestnut mare with highly sensitive skin, so every now and then we would have a rash breakout. To suppress the rash, I would spray that mixture once or twice a day. I swear it’s magic in a bottle!

What is your favorite equestrian sport and why?
Stephanie: Show jumping through and through. I’m always in awe when I watch horses, especially the ones I care for, compete at the highest level of the sport. It makes me feel luckier to do what I do every time I’m on the side watching them go.

If you were a horse, what would you be and why?
Stephanie: I think I’d like to be a wild Icelandic pony. They live in a beautiful part of the world and are known to be tough and sturdy, yet kind and curious.


Have questions about utilizing BarnManager or want to give it a try for yourself? Request a live demo here!

BarnManager is designed to be a part of your team, with the compatibility and credentials necessary to improve communication, simplify the management of horses, and get you out of the office, off the phone calls, and into the barn with the horses you care about! Click here to get a free demo and find out more!